Brittany’s Story – Testimony of Impartation

Brittany’s Story – Testimony of Impartation

A NOTE FROM TIMOTHY: Those of you who have participated in an impartation service I have led know that when I pray for people I usually pray for fire! However, when I approached Brittany and I looked at her, this is what came out of my mouth, “You’re going to heaven!” And that was it! To my surprise she immediately fell right back.  About an hour went by after praying for dozens more and she was still out and eventually had to be carried out of the church!  Two months later we finally got her story of what she experienced that night in heaven and she continues to experience this very day.


Tim approached me and told me to put my hands out. I laughed and he put his hands over mine. I saw his blue eyes and he told me I was going to Heaven. I started laughing like never before. And that was it. I fell back on the most comfortable cloud ever. Endless blue. Sky. No affliction. No tears. Just Him. Air. Him. My dad. I could hear every spirit around me but I couldn’t move. Indescribable peace. It felt like…

I was walking upside down in the sky. I began to feel like God was sewing my mouth and eyes shut. I knew there was no point in trying to open either of them. He told me He would give me oceans. I saw huge oceans and many crazy waves. I could hear Mr. Goebel talking along side me to someone about the girls I was ministering to. Hearing their names triggered something in my spirit and my body began convulsing. I saw a mighty fire break through a large ceiling being held up by pillars. I felt my mouth begin to expand, it felt as if it was 5 feet deep. The lord told me to swallow and as I did so I felt the sensation move down into my stomach. God asked me if I trusted Him, and I said yes and then He asked me to take His hands. I said, “My affection is for you, only.” I was giggling like a little girl. I experienced God in a way I’ve never experienced Him before. I saw the Dad I’ve always dreamed of but never had. He promised me he’d visit me every night in a dream for the next week.

Since the time of this encounter I have been opened up to the spiritual realm and have encountered angels, dreams, visions, etc. The night that Tim imparted to me was truly a receiving of God’s power and glory. Since then, I feel the fire in me wherever I go.

This is an awesome testimony of  the fruit of impartation. Brittany personally told us that since that night her relationship with God has been the best she has ever had. Hallelujah!  If you have experienced an impartation in one of our meetings, we encourage you to send us an email. Sharing with us encourages us and the body by gaining knowledge of the fruit. We also love to rejoice with you in how God is moving in your life.