Schenectady N.Y. – 9.19.2010
During ministry time after a Sunday morning service a word of knowledge was given that God was going to heal a breast tumor in the left breast. As the word of knowledge was being given a woman, Emily, stood up to acknowledge she needed that healing. She immediately started to feel around her chest area. As our team continued to give other words of knowledge, we could see as we looked out at the congregation that her countenance had completely changed. As she continued to frantically seek her tumor, she began to weep with joy. It was no where to be found! Praise God! We received word today that Emily, was testifying about her healing at a Bible study. She proceeded to tell that only one of the lumps had disappeared and that her other breast had 9-12 other sizable ones. Her bible study group prayed for her and after praying, ALL tumors disappeared and her lympnoids returned to proper order! God is so good!