We have a very exciting announcement to make. As we mentioned before, some big changes were coming for Berry Blessed and now we are letting you know what those changes are! In January, we knew the Lord was telling us this would be a BIG and exciting year for our ministry. As we prayed & consulted with our Board and friends, we came into agreement that we would re-name, re-brand and completely re-vamp our entire ministry. So, as of April 1st, we are changing the name of Berry Blessed Ministries to Hearts Ignited Ministries, International (H.I.M. International).
This change has been approved by the B.B.M. Board and the State of Pennsylvania. Below is a list of some of the changes to look out for.
Email: Please note that this change is taking place April 1st, 2013, and we will no longer be operating as Berry Blessed Ministries or B.B.M. This means your emails will look differently and you will no longer receive B.B.M. emails. The emails you will receive now from us (Timothy & Elizabeth) will be coming from Hearts Ignited Ministries. If you’re not regularly receiving emails from us already, please look in your spam folder as our emails are mass emails and come from an email server called MailChimp. Make sure you note that MailChimp or Hearts Ignited Ministries emails are not spam.
Website: With this change, we have started working on a new website, new logo, & new merchandise, etc… Our new website will not be officially launched until this summer (we are hoping by the end of July), but we do hope to have it up and running in BETA (means rough draft style) within the next month or so. Our new website will be amazing and I, Elizabeth, am having a blast working on it with our web designers. The website address will be www.HIMinternational.org, but if you visit it now, there is only a “bump” page that will connect you to our old BBM website. Please continue to use Berry Blessed Ministries website, www.berryblessed.org to remain informed about our ministry until our new site is up.
Facebook: We are going to attempt to change the name of our B.B.M. FaceBook page to Hearts Ignited Ministries International as to keep all of our ministry’s FaceBook friends in the same spot. However, if this does not work, we will be creating an entirely new Facebook page for our ministry. Facebook will also be a good place to get ministry information until our website is officially up and running.
Partners: We are going to change the name on our bank account so that checks for donations will now be made out to Hearts Ignited Ministries. Partners, we will let you know when this change will happen & you are able to write checks to Hearts Ignited. As of right now, please continue to write them to B.B.M.
Address: Our ministry mailing address is: Hearts Ignited Ministries, PO Box 1015 Westtown, PA 19395-1015
We will keep you informed as all of these changes (and more) happen via email and Facebook, so please be in the lookout.
Thank you for being a part of and for supporting our ministry as you have. Each one of you has played an important role of why we do what we do. We ask that you have grace for this transition time and pray grace for us as well. It is a lot of work, but we know it will be worth it!
Blessings in Christ,
Timothy & Elizabeth Berry