I thought some of you may benefit from “seeing” how I am processing my calling in life, and benefit from some of the keys I have learned in unveiling God’s calling on my life and continuing to grow in it. Hope you are blessed! – Timothy
Understanding your calling is a pivotal revelation for fulfilling one’s destiny. Throughout this week’s reading there has been much written about one’s calling in ministry. Ultimately, no matter where a person lives or what they do in life we are all called to represent Jesus Christ and to follow in his ways. Following in his ways is what the Great Commission is all about. It does not have to be in a full time ministry position, but we are all called to some level of teaching others how to connect with God relationally and how to be transformed into Christ’ likeness.
In my life, it has been years of realizing the fullness of my calling. I believe God is still showing me more and more. I do not believe that God always reveals one’s calling all at one time. Out of his incredible wisdom, he draws mankind to himself relationally in order to continually reveal more and more of who he is creating an intimate relationship. As we get to know who he is, we ultimately find who we are in him.
I believe I have an apostolic call on my life. I am in process for this apostolic call and I currently function as an itinerate teacher and preacher. I specifically feel called to train and equip the saints for the work of ministry (Eph 4), teaching them to obey the commands of the Lord; specifically supernatural ministry (Matt 28, Matt 10:7-8). This includes healing the sick, raising the dead, how to prophecy and how to release the kingdom of God in love and power. I do enjoy teaching others about the Bible, but I also love demonstrating God’s kingdom so that people’s faith can rest on God’s power and not only just the words that I am saying (1 Cor 2:4-5). I have a gifting in stirring up love for God and gifts of the Holy Spirit through impartation and the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire. I have been launched into this type of ministry for 5 years now and have seen incredible fruit.
No matter where anyone is at in life, I believe there are keys to finding out one’s calling. As I read Transformational Coaching, I couldn’t help but think what have been key areas of my life that have helped me understand my calling that could benefit others. This is not an exhaustive list, but below are a few keys:
1. History with God – What has God spoken to you personally? It could be while reading a passage of Scripture, a sermon, hearing his voice, having a dream, a vision, an encounter with his presence, etc…What type of experiences with God have shaped your perspective on reality and have changed your relationship with him in a positive way? Many times in those experiences there are puzzle pieces to your calling. (An example is when Abram heard the voice of God – Gen 12, or Paul on the Damascus road – Acts 9).
2. Follow Your Favor – What do you love to do? What do you have passion for? What makes your heart sing? What do you dream of doing? What areas and avenues do you find consistently available to you? Where do you feel God’s grace? Where God’s grace is there is favor in that place to function in your gifting. When you feel that favor it is best to continue to follow it and God will continue to open up doors until he gives you a new assignment. For example, Paul as a teacher had favor and then God shifted his assignment into an apostolic role (see Acts 13).
3. Confirmation – To bring encouragement to hearts of what He has spoken to us, God many times will confirm our calling. This could be through prophetic words, through mentors, through spiritual mothers and fathers, through an angelic encounter or a commissioning/ordination. An example would be Timothy when he was commissioned by the presbyters of the church spoken of by Paul in 1 Timothy 4:14.
4. Fruitfullness – Where do you find great success? What are things that you are particularly good at? If not very good, what do you want to learn about? Where do people most benefit from your life? The Bible teaches we should judge a tree by its fruit. Where there is good fruit, then that usually is fruit the Lord is producing and blessing you with and others. If you are laboring in an area and not having much fruit, it may be possible you are not in the right place or function of your calling.
5. Spiritual gift tests – One of the best ways to help one get started in their journey of finding their calling is to take tests that reveal their character makeup and spiritual gifts. Some tests include: DISC, Myers-Briggs, C. Peter Wagner’s Spiritual Gifts Test, Strength Finder, etc…Studying these tests help you understand how God created you and help reveal areas that are your strengths.
These are some keys that have helped me in my journey in finding my calling in life, understanding my calling and walking in it. There are many other things that can be keys, but I highly encourage you to begin with these steps. Pray into these keys and see if the Holy Spirit will reveal more action steps for you in stepping into the fullness of your destiny.