Welcome to 2012!! We are very excited about this year and what the Lord has in store for us. We have finally completed our trip back the States and our move to West Chester, PA! After having a few weeks to process our Africa trip, we would love to share some of the things the Lord did in our hearts as well as some of the amazing Miracles the Lord Jesus did.
From Elizabeth: God did so many things in my heart and spirit while I was in Africa. His goodness filled my days and my personal testimonies are endless. In summary, I’d say my faith has increased more than I could have ever imagined. My relationship with Father, Son and Holy Spirit has changed – for the better of course! I feel that there are parts of God’s heart that are less of a mystery to me now. Most predominately I know Him better as a protector and provider. I saw Holy Spirit work as comforter – in ways I’ve never thought possible. When you see men and women who are sick, dying, abused and broken being supernaturally comforted by Holy Spirit – well, there are just no words for it… I know that He would do the same in any of our lives as well. And as for Jesus, well, I know of the power that’s in His name and the power that is in His blood more than I ever have before! I prayed for a woman for an hour. All I could do was hold her and all I could say was the name of Jesus – telling her that she was covered in His blood . “Jesus – You are covered in His blood, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, there’s power in His name” was all I prayed. She was completely healed/delivered of a mental condition that had robbed her life for 8 years. Jesus! There’s SO MUCH POWER in your name!
From Timothy: Where to begin? Leading up to our trip I felt like the Lord told me this would be a season of rest. Honestly, I was thinking “Really? It’s a missions trip! That does not sound like rest.” But in truth, for me, it was restful. Sitting down and holding a baby for over an hour was restful. Talking with students, missionaries and Mozambican pastors was restful as I listened to their hearts and prayed with them. There is a simplicity of life that I experienced that has altered my perception of life for good. Sometimes, ministry can be go, Go, GO! Even though we were ministering every day, the pace was so much slower than what I have experienced over the past 5 years. In Mozambique, there is not the consciousness that we can have in the Western world of our appearance, luxuries and time management. Mozambicans just go with the flow of the day and enjoy it. I really learned on this trip that in order to be the best me, I have to place myself in a position of receiving from the Lord and also from others. Many times as a speaker we are called upon to be constantly giving out – whether it be wisdom, counsel, preaching, praying for the sick or prophesying. But there are times where I need prayer, times where I need to soak with the Lord, times where I just receive from others. I saw this firsthand from Heidi Baker as she constantly gave herself away every day, yet took time to receive prayers from others each and every day as well as taking time to spend with Papa on a daily basis. Life is so much easier when it is simple, and the genuine Gospel is simple: Love God with all of your heart, receive His love and then go and release His love to others.
We have several testimonies from our time in Africa, but they take up a lot of space.
I’ll be posting them in another blog soon!